Color Consistency – TECO Insiders Report


Allen here again. I hope you enjoyed Part 1 of this special blog series. Now here is Part 2 where we go a little bit deeper into this thing.

In this part, I would like to talk about the color deviation issue of vitreous enamel panels. Color deviation is another common issue that happens on VE panels. Like the flatness issue, it won’t deteriorate panel durability, but it just doesn’t look good when all of the panels are put together with different tones no matter if they are for interior or for exterior wall cladding application.

The color and color tolerance should be specified in the purchase contract. Color tolerances should be agreed on before production. Some particular colors are more susceptible to color stability. If possible, this should be based on approval of the color specimens. Compliance with color specification may be determined by visual matching under viewing conditions mutually agreed upon by the contracting parties, or may be determined instrumentally.

The color consistency of enamel panels mostly rely on manufacturer’s expertise and their production control capability. A supplier with good enameling experience can always minimize color deviation issues, as well as can ensure that all panels come with consistent color and tone even though they are from different production batches.

I would also suggest for you to choose a manufacturer who uses a professional Chroma meter and does 100% QC sampling to control color deviation issues as their regular processes during production. If color deviation happens, please request your manufacturer to rework or re-fabricate panels in order to ensure every piece of your enamel panels comply with color specification requested by your purchaser.

The below picture shows you how a QC inspector checks the color on VE panels and what device should be used during production.


The Chroma meter TECO is using for color control is model CM-600D made by Konica Minolta, Inc. Konica Minolta was founded in 1873 and they are a leading supplier in the industrial measurement of color and light.


Beside manufacturer’s expertise and quality control capability, you can also do something and it can be a great help to your manufacturer. So, what is it? Just like I mentioned above, some particular colors, like yellow and purple, are more susceptible to color stability. For these particular colors, if possible please put all the panels belonging to the same area in one production order and ask your panel manufacturer to fabricate them in the same production batch in order to achieve better color consistency between all of the panels.

If you have enjoyed this tutorial as much as I have enjoyed making it for you, and you want to learn some more information and sign up for a free consultation, I can set aside some time for you! Click the link below to apply for your free consultation now.


If we think you are a good fit, we will be directly in touch with you. We look forward to hearing from you. Talk soon.


Click the links below for more posts of this Insiders Report series.

PART 1 – Panel Flatness     PART 3 – Finished Appearance     PART 4 – Maintenance

About the Author

Allen Huang Managing Director at TECO, the Leading Manufacturer of Vitreous Enamel Panels for Wall Cladding.